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Easy fish & chips
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Easy fish & chips

Bar-marked spuds, pickle ketchup & minty peas

Easy fish & chips
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45 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 2

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Jamie's £1 Wonders & Money-Saving Meals

Jamie's £1 Wonders & Money-Saving Meals

By Jamie Oliver


400g potatoes

1 lemon

1 clove of garlic

1 sprig of rosemary

olive oil

8 large pickled gherkins

1 bunch of dill (20g)

400g frozen peas

1 bunch of mint (30g)

vegetable oil

60g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting

1 heaped teaspoon paprika, plus extra to serve

2 x 125g frozen pollock fillets, from sustainable sources


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas 6.
  2. Scrub the potatoes, then cut into 1cm-thick slices. Get a griddle pan really hot, then cook the potatoes for 2 minutes on each side, or until bar-marked, turning with tongs.
  3. Meanwhile, use a speed peeler to strip the lemon zest into a large roasting tray, then peel, squash and add the whole garlic clove. Strip in the rosemary leaves and scrunch everything together with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Toss the potatoes into the tray and roast for 20 to 30 minutes, or until tender.
  4. To make the pickle ketchup, place the gherkins in a food processor, along with a little of their pickling juice. Tear in the dill and blitz until smooth. Taste, then season to perfection and dollop 1 tablespoon on each of your plates, pouring the rest back into the jar and placing in the fridge for future meals, where it will keep for up to 7 days.
  5. Boil the kettle. Place the peas in a frying pan, cover with boiling kettle water and simmer on a medium-high heat until cooked through, then drain and place in the food processor (there’s no need to clean it). Tear in the mint leaves, blitz to your desired consistency, then season to perfection and keep warm.
  6. Quickly wipe out the frying pan, return it to a medium-high heat, then pour in a thin layer of vegetable oil.
  7. Whisk together the flour, paprika, 90ml of water and a pinch of salt until nice and shiny – the texture should be like semi-whipped double cream (i.e. it should stick to whatever you're coating). Carefully halve the fish fillets, dust in the extra flour, making sure they’re fully coated, then dip into the batter and allow any excess to drip off.
  8. Holding one end, gently lower the fish into the oil one by one, working carefully so you don't get splashed. Loosen the leftover batter with a little more water until it drips off the spoon, then drizzle it in webs into the hot oil to make scraps. Cook for 6 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and the batter is golden and crisp, turning regularly, then remove the fish and scraps to kitchen paper to drain.
  9. Sprinkle the fish and scraps with an extra pinch of paprika and serve with the bar-marked chips, minty peas, pickle ketchup and lemon wedges, for squeezing over. Splash a little extra gherkin juice from the jar onto the chips, if you like, and tuck in!


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