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Sweet Corn with chilli ginger garlic and parsley in a black bowl
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Stir-fried corn

Chilli, ginger, garlic & parsley

Sweet Corn with chilli ginger garlic and parsley in a black bowl
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5 mins
Super easy

About the recipe

This spicy stir-fry recipe is a super-fast, tasty way to show corn some love on the flavour front.

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Jamie's Dinners

Jamie's Dinners


corn kernels

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon chopped ginger

1 teaspoon chopped chilli

1 handful chopped fresh parsley

2 tablespoons low-salt soy sauce

Top Tip

I'm not averse to using a bit of tinned sweetcorn sometimes, as it does taste OK, but I'd like you to buy some corn on the cob and have a go at removing the kernels of corn yourself. It's very easy; just tear the husk off, then run a knife downwards to remove the kernels.


One of the things I love to do is to stir-fry the corn kernels in a hot wok or frying pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of chopped ginger, a teaspoon of chopped chilli, a handful of chopped fresh parsley and a couple of tablespoons of low-salt soy sauce. You can vary the flavours with different herbs, but this is a good base to start with.


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