Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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A plate of grains topped with honey mustard pork chops, watercress and creme fraiche
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Honey mustard pork chops with watercress grains

And a dollop of crème fraîche

A plate of grains topped with honey mustard pork chops, watercress and creme fraiche
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15 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 2

About the recipe

Dinner on the table in less than 15 minutes? Yes please. I’m teaming Jamie’s handy Super Grains with golden glazed pork chops and watercress in this speedy meal for two.

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Teal Jamie Oliver heart

Jamie's Food Team

By Ben Slater


2 x 250g higher-welfare pork chops

olive oil

1 pouch of Jamie’s Super Grains

180g fresh watercress

1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard

1 tablespoon runny honey

2 tablespoons crème fraîche


  1. With a sharp knife, lightly score the fat on the pork chops at 1cm intervals – this will stop them curling up in the pan. Season all over with sea salt.
  2. Place a large frying pan on a medium-high heat and drizzle in ½ tablespoon of oil. Once hot, lay in the pork chops and fry for around 2 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of your chops, or until golden, crisp and nearly cooked through.
  3. Meanwhile, tip the grains into a large bowl, top with the watercress and cover with non-PVC clingfilm. Microwave on full power for 3 minutes, or until the watercress has darkened and wilted and the grains are piping hot.
  4. When the pork chops have 1 minute to go, add the mustard, honey and 50ml of water. Move and flip the chops around in the pan, until glossy, deep golden brown and glazed all over, then remove to a board and slice them up.
  5. Divide the grains between plates, top with a sliced pork chop and finish with a dollop of crème fraîche.


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