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A bowl of quick grains kedgeree with a fried egg on top
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Quick grains kedgeree with fried eggs

Hot-smoked salmon, spinach & spices

A bowl of quick grains kedgeree with a fried egg on top
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10 mins
Super easy

serves 2

About the recipe

Start the day right with a quick and easy spin on classic kedgeree. Heroing Jamie’s Super Grains, this version is seriously speedy, without any compromise on flavour. Big win!

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Teal Jamie Oliver heart

Jamie's Food Team

By Ben Slater


1 pouch of Jamie Oliver Super Grains

2 x hot-smoked salmon fillets, from sustainable sources

2 teaspoons curry powder

160g fresh spinach

olive oil

2 free-range eggs

1 pinch of chilli powder

green hot sauce, to serve


  1. Tip the grains into a large microwave-proof bowl. Flake in the fish, making sure not to mash it up too much. Add the curry powder, fold everything together, and place the spinach on top.
  2. Cover with non-PVC clingfilm and microwave on full power for 3 minutes, or until the spinach has darkened and wilted and the grains are piping hot.
  3. Meanwhile, place a medium frying pan on a heat high and drizzle in 1 tablespoon of oil. When it starts to shimmer and loosen, crack in the eggs, one at a time, and fry until the bottoms are crispy but the yolks still have a wobble, adding a pinch of chilli powder towards the end to amp up the colour.
  4. Fold the spinach through the grains, then divide between plates. Top each portion with a fried egg and a drizzle of your favourite green hot sauce.


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