Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Peach ice cream recipe
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Peach ice cream

Peach ice cream recipe
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15 mins plus freezing
Super easy

serves 6

About the recipe

Some people find the double cream cloying. You can make this with a custard made from 5 egg yolks, well-whisked with 150g caster sugar, to which you add 300ml of almost boiling single cream. Add fruit and alcohol and cool before freezing.

nutrition per serving












of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Jamie Magazine

Jamie Magazine

By Paul Levy


500g ripe peaches

150g caster sugar

1-2 tablespoons brandy or peach schnapps

275ml double cream


  1. Peel, stone and thickly dice the peaches, then place in a heatproof bowl.
  2. Make a sugar syrup by boiling the sugar with 300ml water for 5 minutes, then pour over the fruit (if you’re using an ice cream maker with its own cooling unit, you can do this in the well of the machine, and leave to cool before switching it on).
  3. Next, add the alcohol, then the cream.
  4. Let the mixture cool, then freeze according to your machine’s instructions, or freeze the mixture in trays, stirring it at least once when it’s half-frozen.
