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Helen’s pear and prune compote
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Helen’s pear & prune compote with yoghurt

Simple, affordable recipes for complementary feeding

Helen’s pear and prune compote
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Not Too Tricky

makes 350g


1 ripe pear

60g tinned prunes in juice

½ a lemon

optional: ground ginger or cinnamon

200g natural yoghurt


  1. Peel, core and finely chop the pear. Drain, destone and finely chop the prunes. Place the fruit in a small pan with a squeeze of lemon juice, a splash of water and a pinch of ginger or cinnamon (if using). Mix together, then place over a medium heat for 10 minutes, or until softened. Leave to cool. Spoon the yoghurt into serving bowls, divide up the compote and sprinkle with an extra pinch of ground ginger or cinnamon, if you like.
  2. Finger food:
  3. Tinned peach slices (use the ones in juice, drained).
