Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Fruit crumble
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Frozen fruit & almond crumble

With a squeeze of orange

Fruit crumble
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45 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 8

About the recipe

Fresh fruit isn’t the only way to make a crumble, in fact frozen fruit is a gamechanger – try it and see for yourself.

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake


1kg mixed frozen berries and cherries

100g sugar (I used a mixture of golden caster, soft brown and demerara)

½ an orange

100g plain flour

50g unsalted butter (cold)

100g flaked almonds

Top Tip

This recipe serves 8 – so you can invite friends round to share the love or reheat leftovers over the next couple of days.


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas 6
  2. Tip the frozen berries into a saucepan with half the sugar and place on a medium heat.
  3. Squeeze in the juice of half an orange and cook for 5 to 8 minutes, or until the sugar has dissolved and the fruit has softened. Remove from the heat and leave to cool a little.
  4. Meanwhile, cube the butter and place in a mixing bowl with the flour. Rub together with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs, then stir in the almonds and remaining sugar.
  5. Transfer the berry mixture to a 25cm x 30cm baking dish and sprinkle over the crumble topping.
  6. Bake in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, or until golden and crunchy. Delicious served with vanilla ice cream.

Leftover orange? Use the zest and juice to make a salad dressing – mix with a little extra virgin olive oil, a splash of vinegar (red wine, sherry or balsamic) and a dash of mustard. Drizzle over shredded red cabbage for a fresh winter salad.


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