Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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Squash soup being ladeled into bags for safe freezing


How to safely freeze food

October 31, 2024

It’s time to make your freezer your best friend in the kitchen! With the right know-how, freezing can reduce food waste, lock in goodness and flavour, and save you both time and money. What’s not to like?

Read on for our ultimate tips on how to safely freeze food, what to do when you want to freeze cooked food, and our dos and don’ts when it comes to this handy kitchen helper.


  • Make sure food is properly wrapped to prevent freezer burn.
  • Leave space around your food to allow for expansion as it freezes.
  • If you’re batch cooking, remember to let food cool completely before freezing (splitting it into portions will help it cool more quickly), and get it in the freezer within two hours.
  • Make sure everything is clearly labelled so you don’t have to play freezer roulette at a later date!


  • The general rule is that dairy products and leftover meals are safe in the freezer for up to three months, however it can depend on freezer efficiency, how well you store your food, and how fresh it was when frozen.
  • It’s important to remember that quality will always deteriorate the longer something is left. Use caution – if in doubt, throw it out.


  • Defrost in the fridge before reheating, and use within 48 hours.
  • Reheat food until piping hot, and only reheat once.
  • If you’ve frozen cooked food, don’t freeze it again after reheating it.

What foods freeze well?

There are plenty of ingredients that will be happy in the freezer – give some of these a go:

Chocolate brownies getting prepared to be safely frozen